About this blog

Hallo! Wilkommen! This is my blog. I hope you enjoy reading and contributing to it.
Before you start to use the blog please take a moment to read the guidelines below.Remember only use your first name and German class when adding comments etc.DO NOT post e-mail addresses or other personal information.When you add a comment it will not appear automatically. It will be moderated first.
On this blog I have included links to external websites that I hope you might find useful. However, I am not responsible for the content on other sites. If you find that something inappropriate is featured on another site I have linked to, please let me know.

Welchen Tag haben wir heute? Wie spät ist es?


Can you name this German landmark?- UPDATE: Der Gewinner ist Daniel 9J1

Put your answer, your name and your form on a piece of paper and post in the blue box in room 8. The first correct answer drawn out on Wednesday 17th December wins a prize!

The photo is of the Brandenburg gate (Brandenburger Tor).